18 Mar 2016

The tourist project (YEAR 4)

Year 4 has been travelling around the world. 
Do you want to know which places have they visited and what have they done?
Watch the videos!

Happy Saint Patrick's day!!!

This week we've celebrated Saint Patrick's day at school. 
We've learnt some Irish traditions and stories 
like the one of the little Leprechaun and the pot of gold. 
We've learnt how to spell the word "green" which is the colour of Ireland and also the colour you need to wear on St. Patrick´s day if you don´t want to be pinched. 

Here´s the song we learnt...

11 Mar 2016


Monday morning Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed a play in English at school. It was the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, have you heard about him or the magic beans?

Here´s a video of the children singing one of the songs... They practised their English and they had a lot of fun!!! :-)

4 Mar 2016

What's your favourite day of the week?

We've started a weekly survey at school. 

This week we wanted to know what's your favourite day of the week and the winner is... 

Check it yourselves!