29 Mar 2014

Lunch With Aliens ( Acting Out)

Hi there,

We are very proud to announce you the latest work of year 3.

For most of you was the first time that acted out in English language.

You must know that all of you did an excellent job: worked in small groups, decided the characters, memorised the story and performed it.  

Congratulations for your great acting skills and your effort.

Well done!!


We want to express our thanks to the students and their families who made the amazing spaceship. 

Here you are in a picture with the spaceship!!

Please, dont' be lazy and let us know what you think !!! 

Lunch With Aliens (1) 

Lunch With Aliens (2)

Lunch With Aliens (3)

Lunch With Aliens (4)

24 Mar 2014

The Respiratory System

Hello Year 6!
Watch and learn about the Respiratory System.

21 Mar 2014

Winter Survey Results

Hello everyone!
Thank you for participating on the English Board survey.
This time the question was:
What's your favourite winter month?
  • December: 13 votes
  • January: 15 votes
  • February: 5 votes
  • March: 7 votes 
Your favourite month is JANUARY!

18 Mar 2014

" At home" Lapbook Project ( Year 2)

For the last weeks, all the students in Year 2 were working in Unit 3 ( At Home) the vocabulary related to this topic, we decided that the pupils would draw their own houses or flats and then make an oral presentation in front of the camera.

Listen carefully and have a look to the great own made lapbooks they created.

We would love to hear what you think so please do not be shy and leave a comment!

17 Mar 2014

Saint Patrick's Day - Irish National Holiday

Hello everyone!
Today, 17th of March, it's Saint Patrick's day, the Irish National Holiday!
Learn about this fantastic celebration here and sing the traditional song "Molly Malone"

Dear Zoo

Hello P4 Children!
Watch and enjoy the song from the story "Dear Zoo" from Rod Campbell. 

16 Mar 2014

Songs & Videos for Pre-primary!

Hello P3, P4, P5!
Enjoy learning English singing and acting out the songs.
Here you have the link to the videos from Super Simple Songs Youtube channel.
They are aimed to pre-primary but also primary students will enjoy!
Have fun!

12 Mar 2014

Bathtime for Fifi ( Acting Out)

Here we bring you the latest work from Year 4.

For the last three weeks they were acting out the story called "Bathtime for Fifi"

All of you did an excellent job : worked in small groups, decided the characters, memorized the story and performed it!

Congratulations for your great acting skills and for you accurate pronunciation!

Well done!

Please be active with the blog leaving a comment about what you think

Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

10 Mar 2014

English Summer Camp (process until only 14th of March!!)

Hello Year 5 and 6!

Are you interested in having an English experience in a summer camp? 
There are some scholarships (beques) you can ask to, but the process is only until March 14th!
Have a look at the website if you are interested. 
Talk to your family about it!!!!
Programa de Inmersión Lingüística

3 Mar 2014

T.V Commercials!

This time is the turn for Year 6 students. 

For a while they were creating persuasive T.V commercials. One of them is about “Recycling”, the other one is about “Saving water” and the third one is about  “ 5 a day”.

All students did an excellent job interpreting the different characters and we had a lot of fun.

Congratulations to all of you for your great pronunciation and performing skills.

Hope you enjoy watching the videos and hope you are willing to comment on what you think about this activity! 

Please, let us know what do you thing posting your comments! 

5 a Day Commercial! 

Your 5 A DAY forms part of a healthy, balanced diet, and getting it is easier than you think
Group A

Group B

Recycling! The Commercial

Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the world in which we live. Recycling is important to both the natural environment and us

Group A

Group B

Saving Water! The Commercial! 

Did you know that less than 1% of all the water on Earth can be used by people? The rest is salt water (the kind you find in the ocean) or is permanently frozen and we can't drink it, wash with it, or use it to water plants.
As our population grows, more and more people are using up this limited resource. Therefore, it is important that we use our water wisely and not waste it.

Grup A

Fonix Contest 2014

Hello everybody,

Last Saturday, Ariadna from Year 5 participated in the Fonix constest, an English competition for Catalan Schools.

Now, we will see if she goes to the final stage of the competition that will be held next April.

All the best for Ariadna ! Congratulations!