16 Jun 2015

Little Red Riding Hood

Hi Year 6!!

Here you have the videos of today's performance of Little Red Riding Hood. Enjoy!!.

Summer online activities

Summer by Martí Pérez. Year 4

Hi Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4.

Aquest estiu no deixeu de practicar l’anglès, hi ha moltes ocasions que podeu aprofitar: si un turista està perdut per la ciutat, intenteu comunicar-vos en anglès, escolteu cançons en anglès i recordeu que teniu l’opció a la TV per veure pel·lícules o dibuixos en versió original, entreu al bloc d’anglès per practicar amb les activitats online i fixeu-vos en el vostre entorn, segur que trobareu paraules en anglès. Feu un llistat.
Have a good summer!!.
English Department.

Youtube songs/stories
Open shut them (Super Simple Songs)
Dirty Birtie story
Leafy the leaf that wouldn’t leave
The very hungry catlerpillar
Miss Mary Mack
Room on the broom

Dibuixos animats en anglès

Una mà de contes (es pot canviar l’idioma)
Diary of a wimpy kid


Summer online activities

Hi Year 5 and Year 6!!

You have worked a lot this course but it is important to practice your English whenever you can to review what you know in case of students in Year 6, and to be prepared for next year in case of students in Year 5. Here you have lots of online activities to practice vocabulary and grammar.

It is also important to read English books, watch films in Original Version and speak as much English as you can.
Please visit these websites and don't stop practicing.
Have a good summer!!.
English Department.

Grammar activities and online activities
http://www.poptropica.com/base.php (you can create a character and explore new worlds).





2 Jun 2015

Introducing yourself

Hi Year 6!

Here you have your presentation, at the end we decided to record audios instead of videos, and you have done an excellent job!!. Click on the names to listen to your presentations.

Julia and Carla
Maria Moreno, Bruno, Rubén and Ariadna 
Pol and Mauro
Helena and Irene
Hugo and Marc
Pau and Nacho
Yaidel and Hugo
Diana and Marc
Adrià, Sara and Paula
Celia and Clàudia