Hello Year 3!!.
Last week, Ariadna, Ricard's sister, visited us and we learnt some new things about the charcoal technique.
We really enjoyed her lesson. Thanks a lot Ariadna!.
Hello Year 3 and Year 4!!.
Today we have been at Lluïsos d'Horta Theatre and we have met Lady Marion, the Sheriff of Nottingham, The Wicked Witch, Muffy the dog, and of course... Robin Hood.
We had lots of fun!.
Here you have some pictures.
Hello Year 6!
Do you remember what we learnt about California?
Two weeks ago, Stephen, an american student who stayed with us at school during 3 weeks, explained us about California, the weather, some interesting geographical features and natural disasters like earthquakes.
Now, it's your time, and you are working very hard with the Earth Project and preparing your presentations about an area in the world.
Remember we start this week with the first group focused on Central Asia.
We are all looking forward to sharing information and learning together about the Earth!
Hello everyone!!.
Saint George is very close. We will celebrate Saint George at the school on Tuesday 23rd of April.
Let's have a look to the legend.
Saint George's Legend
In Barcelona streets are full of stands of books and roses.
Did you know that Saint George is celebrated not only in Barcelona, but in many countries and cities around the world?.
Find Saint George in Georgia, England, Egypt, Bulgaria, Catalonia, Romania, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Iraq, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal, Serbia, Ukraine and Russia, as well as the cities of Genoa, Beirut, Botosani, Drobeta, Cáceres, Ferrar, Rio de Janeiro, Barcelona, Moscow....
Try to find all these places on the map!!.
Hello Year 3!!.
We have been working on body proportions and you have really done it very well. Here you have the result of your fantastic job!.