We are learning a lot about health and food. We know that is very important to have a healthy life, that is, to have a balanced and varied diet, to practice sport and to sleep from 8 to 10 hours. This week you have learnt about how our body takes the nutrients from the food. Let's watch this interesting video.
Hello everyone! Are you free next Thursday the 25th of October at 18:00? There's a story teller in the Montbau's Library next week, she will be explaining two funny stories "The Gruffalo" and "Room on the broom" in English! Have a look at their website! Festival Narració Oral Munt de Motshttp://www.muntdemots.org/2012/toda-la-programacion/a-special-monster/
Hello P4 children! We read the story "Big Books, Little Books" and so we made our own GLASSES. Blue glasses, yellow glasses, green glasses, red glasses... Lots of different colours!