28 Apr 2012

The Robber's Clothes

Hello Year 3!
Let's read the story "The Robber's Clothes" and sing the song. Click on the pictures and enjoy it!
Let's play some vocabulary games too!

27 Apr 2012


Hello Year 6!
Let's practice the verbs in past tense (regulars and irregulars) and reading comprehension with these activities about J.K.Rowling
J.K.Rowling Activities

Brown Bear, What do you see?

Hello P5!
Let's listen to the song of the story "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?".

22 Apr 2012

Happy St. George's day

The 23rd April we celebrate Sant Jordi, called Saint George in English. 
Saint George is the Patron Saint of England and Sant Jordi is the Patron Saint of Catalonia. It's a very special day for us and we give roses and books as gifts for the loved ones. 
The tradition of giving a rose as a gift comes from the legend of Saint George: he saved the princess from the dragon and from the dragon's blood grew a red rose bush. Then Saint George gave a rose of that bush to the princess. 
The tradition of giving a book as a gift comes from UNESCO declaring the 23rd April the International Day of the Book as the 23rd April 1616 was the date of the death of the English playwright William Shakespeare and the Spanish writter Miguel de Cervantes. 
Enjoy the "Diada" and enjoy reading! Books are wonderful friends, they never leave you alone, they can be fun, you learn a lot from them and they take you to fantastic places!!!

20 Apr 2012

Transport & School

Hello Year 4!
How do you go to school?
Let's play some games about transport and school.
Click on the name of the game to start playing!
Click on the picture to listen to the chant.

16 Apr 2012

Lemon Tree

Hello Year 5!
After an exam... what's better than listening to a good song? 
Today in class we have listened to the song "Lemon Tree" by the German band Fool's Garden. It's a song from 1995. 
Here's the video... hope you like it!!!

15 Apr 2012

What are you wearing today?

Hello Year 3!
What clothes are you wearing today? I'm wearing a black jacket, jeans and trainers. What about you?
Let's play some games to practice the clothes in English! Have fun!
Click on the name of the activity to start playing!

5 Apr 2012

Year 6: TV Commercials!

Two groups recorded their wonderful TV Commercials before Easter. We had so much fun! The rest of the groups will record after Easter, hope you have all your scripts, material and settings ready so that we can share the laughter while we learn English together!

Look! Look! They are such great artists!

Irene, Laura and Jessica surprise us with their wonderful spot based on how Coca Cola is present in all stages of life. From childhood to adulthood, Coca Cola makes history!

Sara, Mireia and Nerea would like to share some piece of advice. Whenever you are tired, thirsty or hungry follow their advice!


Hope you like what I prepared for you!